Category:Arizona Law | Law Offices KKR

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In 2021 there will be Big Changes Coming to Calculating Jail Time that will Result in More Jail for DUI Defendants

June 8th, 2021 by

In 2021 there will be Big Changes Coming to Calculating Jail Time that will Result in More Jail for DUI Defendants   The Arizona legislature has made a big change to calculating credit for time served for Arizona DUI defendants.  Per the newly passed statute A.R.S. 28-1446 that goes into effect later this year, a […]

The Arizona Drivers’ License Suspension Guide

May 13th, 2016 by

**UPDATED Jan 1, 2019** Resolving your License Suspension after a DUI arrest can be an overwhelming and complicated process.  Fortunately, we have taken the time to breakdown and simplify the process with our Arizona DUI – Drivers’ License Suspension Guide 2019 Edition.  Here you can find the latest rules and procedure for challenging and reducing […]

How to get Your Car out of Impound After an Arizona DUI

September 7th, 2014 by

If you were arrested for DUI in Arizona you very likely had your vehicle impounded. How soon you can get your car back will depend on what type of charges you are facing. The first thing to do is check with the vehicle impound report that was given to you by the police officer. It […]

How Long is a Marijuna or Drug DUI License Suspension?

August 30th, 2014 by

In Arizona, if you are convicted of driving while impaired by marijuana, prescription drugs or driving with an illegal metabolite in your system, the suspension is for one year no driving with no ability to shorten your suspension or request a restricted license. Your only way to avoid a one year suspension would be to […]

Employer Ignition Interlock Exemption is repealed; Arizona now requires an ignition interlock device to be installed on your employer’s car.

July 22nd, 2013 by

In April of 2013, the State of Arizona repealed the long standing employer exemption to the ignition interlock device requirement. Prior to the repeal, if a driver was required to use an ignition interlock device he/she could continue to operate his/her’s employer’s vehicle without an interlock device if: 1) the employer was notified of […]

How do I reinstate my license after an Arizona DUI?

July 19th, 2013 by

An important but often overlooked step after a DUI is license reinstatement. After you complete your 90 day or 1 year suspension, you must have your license reinstated. Reinstating a suspension is a very simple process and can be accomplished by going to any local MVD office or by going online to filling out […]

What is the DUI Alcohol Screening class and how do I complete it?

July 18th, 2013 by

The Alcohol Screening class is a 15-30 minute one on one interview with an alcohol counselor who will ask you questions about your drinking habits and then recommend a treatment plan which you are not obligated to follow unless you are convicted of DUI. Typical treatment plan recommendations are 16 hours for first time offenders […]

How long is my license suspension for refusing a blood or breath test for an Arizona DUI?

July 16th, 2013 by

Unfortunately, if you were placed under arrest and refused to take an intoxilizer breath test or submit to a blood draw then, if and when your license suspension goes into effect, the suspension is for one year no driving.  However, you can receive a Restricted License with a Special Ignition Interlock Device (SIID) after 90 […]

How long is my license suspension for a second Arizona DUI?

July 15th, 2013 by

If you are convicted of a second DUI offense within 84 months your license will be revoked for one year.  A revocation is far more severe than a standard suspension as you must reapply to have your license reinstated.  However, you can apply to receive a Restricted License with a Special Ignition Interlock Device (SIID) […]

Corrective Action Notice after DUI or DWI

July 1st, 2013 by

If you were required to give blood to determine your BAC and you consented to having your blood drawn without a search warrant; you most likely were allowed to keep your license after your arrest. Therefore, instead of receiving the Admin Per se/Implied Consent Affidavit you will likely receive a “Corrective Action” notice in the […]

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